I like to celebrate all month long – well, it’s the shortest month of the year, even this year with it’s 29 days; 4 Sundays, 5 Mondays, and 4 Tuesday, Wed., Thurs, Fridays and Saturdays!
February 1 – Greg and I went to iPic. I drank for the first time since December. Had two Kettle One mojitios and may have fallen asleep a little through the Big Short. Okay, I was pretty exhausted, it was a Monday night and I had a full day of driving kids!
February 2 – I have no idea if Phil saw his shadow or not. Another busy day, but talked with my little brother, who is traveling here on Saturday with his daughter, for Heather’s confirmation on Sunday. The rest of his family will join him next week! We’re all so excited about the trip! As a bonus, Heather picked her saint, St. Cecilia, the patron saint of music.
Between the regular Tuesday stuff: kids school, choir, ballet and tap classes, Pella replaced some of our windows; I got new tires on the Odyssey; and Greg stayed home sick today. 🙁
February 3 – Getting the house ready to receive guest this Saturday! Spoke with Eric for during his lunch and everyone is excited about the vacation out West!
Greg went back to work today, but still not feeling that well. Threw everyone off by not working out. I ended up meeting up with him for lunch before a meeting we had for some “future” plans. That meeting ran longer than expected and in turn, I was late picking up Harrison from school and Holly from EHS Jr. dance team rehearsal.
Caught a little break at home before Heather made dinne. She has been commissioned to make Wednesday dinners for at least this month, maybe longer. I headed out to a Gifted Education Advisory Council meeting where the discussion was about colleges. Most excellent meeting and I made a new friend, Marianne.
February 4 – Pilates this morning, 6am. Followed by a relaxing sauna, shower, coffee; then raced to Costco, Safeway and home to frantically put a dinner into the crockpot, about noon. Nana calls. Had great conversation with her, as always! Headed out to meet Scott Hopper for lunch at Tipsy Cow Burger Bar, my new favorite hangout place.
Afterwards, arrived home to find Greg flat out sick! Spent most of the night cleaning.
February 5 – Uneventful in many ways, we were just getting the house ready for guests and doing a lot of paperwork and scheduling.
February 6 – Eric and Victoria arrive! We booked a car to pick them up at the airport and drive them to our house, because we both were at the Confirmation rehearsal and then had to get Holly to her EHS Jr. Dance Team performance. Holly was home to greet them with snacks and a tour of the house; then we all went to watch Holly dance.
- Waiting for Holly to perform
- Holly with EHS Jr. Dance Team 2016
February 7 – Confirmation Day! We met up with the Halbert’s at Pomegranete to eat breakfast at 9:00am, before mass. Heather and Peggy went ahead to the church to get ready for the ceremony at 11:30am. Beautiful event by Bishop Eusebio Elizondo and Fr. Kevin. Heather wasn’t asked any questions, but the Bishop did put his hand on her head during the homily.
Afterwards there was fellowship with cake in the hall and we said hellos to many of Heather’s long-time friends: the Rossi’s, the Wall’s, the Ginther’s.
- Getting ready for the big day!
- Hanging with my the favorite “younger” niece and nephew.
- Heather with Bishop Eusebio Elizondo
- Heather brought up the gifts during the service
- pre-Confirmation breakfast with the Halberts, the godfather and Victoria
- The Godfather
February 8 – the kids were off to school, as usual, but I took Victoria with me to get hot chocolate at Victor’s and run some morning errands while Eric worked. Eric Jr. and Carie took off from a snowy Boston Logan just about 9:20am and arrived on time for us to pick them up at Sea-Tac. Lunch at Homegrown. I worked in a massage for my birthday this day too!
After Monday-chicken on the grill dinner, Eric Jr and Carie crashed and the rest of us went to Holly’s school’s Talent Show performance. Fun night watching Holly & Olivia at RSAR’s Talent show! See Holly’s performance by clicking here or watch any of the kids’ performances.
February 9 – Birthday facials and lunch with Kim Skorupa! OMG so awesome and relaxing. Brought Eric, Carie, Victoria and Eric Jr. over to Microsoft and Greg toured them around the XBOX group. I’m not sure who had more fun in that time!
Wed., February 10 – Ash Wednesday; started the day off with the Miele’s at Ash Wednesday mass. Then it was off to Victor’s Coffee for hot choc and bagels. Liked them so much, had to stop at Blazing Bagels to pick up a couple of dozen!
Once the kids got home from school, it was off to the ProClub to go swimming while the adults worked out. Afterwards, Eric, Heather and I did “Iron Chef” dinner of chicken parm, speggehti, salad and garlic bread; made and eaten within an hour. Heather and Carie needed to attend a deaf culture event and Holly had dance.
Had so much fun this month! Got away from finishing this! Another post that will be done by February 2017! Come back to read more.