May 22-24, 2015 – Memorial Day Weekend
Heather’s choir won 3 awards at the WorldStrides Heritage Performance Festival in Disneyland: Gold (1st place in their category), Adjudicator Award (judges award) and Outstanding Choral Group (of the entire festival!) The older choir also won Gold!
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Our 1st time ever in Disneyland, Memorial Day weekend and 60th Anniversary of Disneyland, in front of The Haunted Mansion. This was the only time we were all together, long enough for 1 picture. Heather was with her choir, I was chaperoning other singers and Greg and the kids were on their own.

These choirs won 4 awards! Outstanding! Too bad we left one at the hotel before jumping onto the bus and flying back to Seattle! Whoops! (With some quick thinking, I was able to have a parent return it safety).