It’s been 16 years writing our Northwest Update newsletter to our family and friends, and after our 50th issue in hardcopy, we have decided to go online.
Last years issues were to go out in March, June and December 2010, but it never happened. Why? Trying to get the kids to write their own columns threw off the timing. Or was it just the every day chores, school, work, activities or updating my Facebook status too much?
I have caught grief throughout the year, “Where’s the Update?” and when the 2011 New Year’s cards came out, the complaints poured in. “Nice picture, but where’s the Update?” Well, here it is online.
As for the hardcopy: it’s a production to write, edit, print, copy, fold, stuff, address, stamp and mail close to 200 copies. We have always wanted to put this online for about the last 10 years, but in
2000 the internet wasn’t ready for the wild writings of this editor. Cost of stamps in 1995 was 32 cents, today they are .44 cents, close to $90 just for stamps, not including envelopes, and don’t get me started on the cost of copying. The mass majority received b&w copies of the Update, while a select few received color copies. Now, all will be able to enjoy the Update, at your leasure and we hope many more of our friends will too!
We hope this newsletter-blog finds you well from our house to yours!
—Judy, “The Original Blogger”